What Is Reformed Theology | Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday Until November 10  |  2nd Floor Conference Room, 8:30-9:30

36 Oswego Street, Baldwinsville, NY, USA

Covenant Church Adult Sunday Morning Class: “What is Reformed Theology?”

Many people have heard of Reformed theology, but may not be certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. Our adult Sunday School class will seek to answer the question What Is Reformed Theology? This class will be an introduction to beliefs that have been immensely influential in the evangelical church. We will walk through the foundations of Reformed doctrine and explain how Reformed belief is centered on God, based on God’s Word, and committed to faith in Jesus Christ. We pray this time will make plain the reality of God’s amazing grace.


Week 1 | 9.22 – Importance of Theology; Brief History of the Reformation; Overview of Systematic Theology
Week 2 | 9/29 – Foundational beliefs of Reformed Theology-September 29, 2024 – 8:30am
Week 3 10/6 – 5 Points of Reformed Theology (the TULIP), Historical background – Point 1: Humanities’ Radical Corruption
Week 4 10/13 –  point 2 : God’s Sovereign Choice
Week 5 10/20 – Point 3: Christ’s Purposeful Atonement
Week 6 10/27 – Point 4: The Spirit’s Effective Call
**NO CLASS 11/3
Week 7 | 11/10 – Point 5: God’s Preservation of the Saints