Friday Morning Prayer | 2nd Floor Suite 207

July 19, 2024 7:30 - 8:00am  |  Covenant Church on 2nd Floor in Suite 207

36 Oswego Street, Baldwinsville, NY, USA

Based on the conviction that it is the LORD who will build His Church and not our determination, Covenant Church has committed to setting aside regular times of prayer to specifically express our dependence on the LORD and call upon Him to work both in us and in our community.

To that end we will meet twice each month to pray specifically for God’s heart of compassion for people far from Him, for God’s glory in the salvation of men, women, and children, for God’s leading and wisdom, our unity as a congregation, and for God’s provision.

We will gather…

– Every 1st Sunday at 5:30-6:00pm on the 3rd floor.
– Every 3rd Friday from 7:30-8:00am in Suite 207.

All are welcome. Please plan on joining us as you are able.